Home Economy Khloe Kardashian’s trainer Gunnar Peterson reveals heartbreaking news

Khloe Kardashian’s trainer Gunnar Peterson reveals heartbreaking news

Khloe Kardashian’s trainer Gunnar Peterson reveals heartbreaking news

Khloe Kardashian’s personal trainer, Gunnar Peterson reveals his four-year-old daughter’s battle with cancer. 

Peterson renowned for training celebrities like Jennifer Lopez and Kate Beckinsale, shared on Instagram the diagnosis of his daughter, Monroe Vivian Peterson, with AML leukemia. 

Urging his 425,000 followers to keep Monroe in their thoughts, he detailed their journey, starting from noticing her persistent cough, intermittent fever, to bruising on her legs, leading to hospitalization and the necessity of chemotherapy and a bone marrow biopsy. 

This revelation marks a significant and life-altering moment for the family.

In a comment on Peterson’s Instagram post, Khloe conveyed her heartfelt condolences, affirming Monroe’s resilience akin to her parents and offering her assistance and prayers.

Despite the distressing situation, he expressed confidence in Monroe’s resilience, describing her as a “Warrior Princess” determined to overcome the obstacles. 

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