Home Economy Barbie: Ryan Gosling ‘Just Ken’ song success left him startled

Barbie: Ryan Gosling ‘Just Ken’ song success left him startled

Barbie: Ryan Gosling ‘Just Ken’ song success left him startled

Ryan Gosling was not expecting the huge commercial success of the song sung by him, I’m Just Ken. Mark Ronson, the writer and producer of the famous song has quoted the star’s startled reaction.

Ronson discussed I’m Just Ken, which went viral in a big way after the debut of the Barbie movie, according to Screen Rant.

Gosling reportedly told Ronson in their original interview with The Hollywood Reporter that the Oscar nomination for the song felt “so surreal.”

Ronson continued by stating that he could see that Gosling has a love for music and that the actor was “really touched” to witness the song he insisted on performing solo receive such a warm response.

“He kind of feels like someone who doesn’t get caught up in the hype from the little bit that now I know about him. Even he’d be like, ‘This is so surreal, I don’t even know what to tell you.’ I think he’s a real musician, he loves music, and I think he was really touched by that and like when Slash played on it, you know? So there’s certain things that he’s been really, I think, excited about.”

In I’m Just Ken, the Barbies restore their constitution and take back control of their world as the Kens fight it out in Barbie land. Even though the Kens are arguing, the scenario ends with them joining forces for a theatrical dance number from the 1980s. 

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